Tuesday, June 10, 2008 

How To Build Financial Independence

Your most important responsibility as an adult is to achieve financial independence for yourself and for your family. Aside from the practical tangible benefits of having all the money you need, there are even more important reasons for obtaining financial freedom.

To achieve financial freedom you have to be in control of your life and you cannot be in control of your life if youre constantly worrying about not having enough money to pay your bills. Constantly worrying about not having enough money will rob you of any feeling of being in control of your life more than anything else.

The feeling of security is one of the most important and basic human needs. Every person wants and needs to free from feelings of poverty, being destitute, and the feeling failure that is associated with it. The lack of security causes more unhappiness and more underachievement than any other single factor.

Financial freedom is only possible when you accept complete responsibility for your financial condition. You must refuse to make justifications, excuses, or rationalizations for the financial situation you are currently in. You have to accept full responsibility for your current situation before any meaningful financial change can take place.

Financial independence begins with a specific goal and a plan to achieve it. You must decide exactly how much money you want to make in the next 12 months, the next 5 years, and in the next 10 years. Then, you must make a detailed plan of action as to how youre going to reach the financial goals youve set.

For example, are you going to reach your financial goals and financial independence through entrepreneurship, investing in the stock market, or investing in income producing real estate? Set your goals, make your plan, and then work your plan.

You also have to be able to delay or withhold gratification. You have to learn to withhold unnecessary spending in the short term so that you can enjoy the rewards of financial independence in the long term. This begins with small efforts of savings and sacrifice with the knowledge and belief that these efforts will eventually lead to continuous, monthly cash flow that will enable you to eventually become financially free.

Weve all heard the saying, It takes money to make money.?This is true because when you save money it activates the Law of Attraction. So when you begin to save money it creates energy that begins to attract more money to you. As long as your attitude towards money is positive, youll find yourself acquiring more and more of it.

As you increase your savings and invest your positive emotions in them, youll find more and more money attracted to you from a variety of different sources. The key thing to remember when you save money is that the more money you save the stronger the force of attraction will be and more money will come to you.

Your starting point for a savings program should be to make a habit of paying yourself before you pay anything else each month. With each paycheck you receive you should put 10% of you net income into a savings program. For example, if your net income after taxes is $2,000 per month, you should be saving $200 every month.

You might be asking, What if Im already in debt and dont have enough money as it is to last out the month??If this is the case, then you have to start out by saving what ever you can. With a little effort, you can easily save 1 or even 2 percent of your net income and then live on the other 98 or 99 percent. As you become more comfortable living on this amount each month youll find that you will be able to increase your saving to 3 or 4 percent, and then later up to 5 or 6 percent and finally up to 10 percent.

The next step in your plan towards financial freedom is to save enough money so that you have a supply of quick access money for emergencies. You should have an amount that will protect you from the ups and downs of the dynamic economy of the 21st century. Your goal should be to have at least three to six months living expenses in savings for you and your family should anything happen to cut off your income.

Having this type of financial cushion will free you from worrying about money. It will enable you to work at a job that you choose or leave a job that that you dont like. Youll be able to choose the kind of work you want and work with the kind of people you want to work with.

The next step towards financial freedom is insurance, as you save you must be insured in order to feel secure about our financial status. You need life insurance but only if you have a spouse or a family to provide for.

If you have a wife or a family you should buy term insurance. Term insurance is much cheaper than whole life insurance. Term insurance builds up no cash dividends. Whatever amount you buy, it will pay out the face amount to your estate or to your family when you die.

Your term insurance policy should be for an amount that enables your family to live at their current level from the proceeds from your policy should you die unexpectedly. For example, if your current income is $50,000 per year, you should have a term life insurance policy with a face amount of $500,000.

You should also have insurance coverage for your vehicles and other personal property. In addition, you need to have health insurance and disability insurance is a very wise investment as well. No matter what success you achieve, a catastrophic illness or natural disaster can quickly erase an uninsured fortune. Once you have built up your wealth and have an estate to protect you should also look at purchasing whole life insurance.

For both men and women whether theyre single or married the achievement of financial independence is the most important issue that determines whether or not they become all that theyre capable of becoming. Once you develop the right mindset and begin to save 10% or your net income every month you will have taken an important step towards achieving financial freedom and never having to worry about money again.

Copyright2006 by Joe Love and JLM & Associates, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide.

Joe Love draws on his 25 years of experience helping both individuals and companies build their businesses, increase profits, and achieve total success. He is the founder and CEO of JLM & Associates, a consulting and training organization, specializing in personal and business development. Through his seminars and lectures, Joe Love addresses thousands of men and women each year, including the executives and staffs of many businesses around the world, on the subjects of leadership, achievement, goals, strategic business planning, and marketing.

Reach Joe at: joe@jlmandassociates.com

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Work At Home For Your Financial Freedom

Today's financial situation is absolutely critical for anyone living and working in the market. It is absolutely urgent that a person learns how to make it in the world on their own, and the market is not something that anyone can rely on. It seems that the people with the money are the people that keep getting more and more money - and the people who are working the hardest at their jobs are the ones that either are not able to make ends meet with the money they make - or are the ones who have to go from job to job because of insecure job structures. It is hard to make ends meet, whether on an hourly rate job or even on a salary job, because every day it seems that things are getting more expensive. A person has to use their car to get to work, but gas keeps getting more expensive, while their salaries are not going up by much at all each year.

Those that work hourly jobs are finding that they are unable to make ends meet, and end up working more and more hours, two or even three or more jobs just to be able to pay their bills - which are also getting more expensive. Something got to be done to overcome the crunch, and even a small work at home position is something that will benefit just about everyone. Financial freedom isn't as far away as you might think it is.

The subprime mortgage crisis is something that is absolutely terrifying for anyone trying to make it in the financial world today. This is an ongoing economic problem that has manifested itself through issues. The main manifestation of the subprime issue is the liquidity issues that have been happening in the banking industry. This is due to the foreclosures that have been happen. In fact, more foreclosures began to happen in 2006 and actually triggered and entire global financial crisis during 2007 and 2008.

The economy is suffering. Gas will soon be over 4.00 a gallon in places where it is not yet that high. A gallon of milk is more than 3 dollars, and in some places the minimum wage is still under $7 an hour. People cannot find a way to make ends meet with these rising costs, and with hourly rates that are not increasing at all.

The declining economic system might seem bad when you look at it, or hear about it on the news . You might be wondering how many more hours you can squeeze in at work without damaging your relationship with your spouse - or you might desperately be looking for a job before your next round of bills is due. However, there are some ways that you can face the economic crisis without giving up your freedom. You can expand your income source, so that you can face the declining economy with even increased financial freedoms.

Doesn't seem possible? It certainly is. Working form home is something that most people have only heard of and most don't think that it can be for them. However, with a little bit of research, and a little bit of planning, you can work from home to supplement the income that you already have - and you can continue to live at your standard or even better, no matter what happens in the economy. Financial freedom can be yours, no matter what's going on in the world around you.

There are lots of ways that you can take your current situation and use a work at home opportunity in order to create your own financial freedom. The first thing that you should do is consult your own business and your boss. Sometimes you don't get as many hours in as you would like and have to be forced to take smaller pay, because of family commitments or other things. Ask your boss if there are things that you can do from home, in order to still get paid just as much as you have been, or even more, without having to be in the office longer. A lot of bosses want to keep good employees around, and will be willing to work with you. You can save some time and gas money by doing your own work from home sometimes, and this will also help you achieve financial freedom.

However, the best way to actually find your own financial freedom is to work with yourself on some work at home opportunities that you can do aside from your regular job. There are lots of things that you can do online - whether it is freelance work, or other types of opportunities. These are things that you can do in your spare time, or even after you've put the kids to bed at night. This can be additional income, on top of the money you are currently making at your job. With this income, you will be able to pay off credit cards or student loans, and hopefully end up with a little bit extra left at the end of the month.

No matter what your field of expertise is, or how you choose to use it, you will be able to find things to do from home. Start by doing a search for internet options. For instance, if you are a photographer, look for places that will hire you to work from home on side projects. If you can write, look for writer options. There are plenty of things that you can find for yourself, in order to finally achieve your financial freedom, no matter what the world outside is doing.

CW Teo, an experienced affiliate marketer for years. From his experience and researches he discovers "How To Get Rich Working From Home", to download click here: http://www.howtogetrichworkingfromhome.com

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